Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Winds of Change

Swirling, moaning, rustling leaves, rattling screens, fading away, returning to my awareness, clinging, dancing through the corners of my soul. What is it about the wind that it so fascinates me today? Of course I recall snippets of songs, comments about wind. Fear of its power and the desire to harness it use it for some purpose and just for today I am the wind! I swirl and moan and squeak, rousing me from sleep, refusing to be silent, refusing to "die down" fanning the fire. Sucking at it like you suck on a straw to get the last of it, reminding me that you need air in order for the fire to burn and transform. That the air I am has been speaking in symbols and especially sounds for a long time banging at the door of my attention so that I would notice I am not a donkey! A beast of burden to take on and take on to keep the peace or whatever other bull shit reason I think it is my job for a minute and day or a week so I won't notice that it is crushing the life out of me. Silencing the dreams the big voice I carry to speak my truth especially when it doesn't fit or conform to the expected. Is that the special connection I feel to my grandson who stepped out of the craziness he was living? He too medicated and the only difference is mine was legal. Both courses of action numbed us out to silence our brilliance, our voice to so we could carry on being the beast of burden and tolerate the craziness. God forbid we call the elephant an elephant!

The wind I am in silent now knowing a connection to my fire has been made, peace no struggle just flow, breathing easy.

I hear it again, the dance, the touch, the fire has moved and for the moment there is stillness and peace opportunity to rest and awaken refreshed re-newed riding the current that I watch Jonathan do....remember him he is the seagull that wanted to fly high and be all it was possible to imagine and be! Me too! Riding the current, first one and then another and another.....moment to moment..................

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