Thursday, June 4, 2009

Here comes the sun.....

It is quiet, not completely empty of sound just quiet. Nothing is stirring yet not even the birds, not even the ones who are anxious to be first to taste the new day, first to let the world know they are present, first to make a mark on the untouched canvass of this new day. I know though it will not be long until they begun to sing.I feel it in my bones and hear in my mind the beauty of the melody of the choir who will soon burst into song.

The river is still and reflective and just beginning to don the rose of the approaching dawn. Although I am not a morning person I claim this time to be the dawn, to be the emerging beauty and wonder. I know I manifest this wonder,this beauty and stillness as my choice, as my way of moving through the world claiming my space for me just for me. Being invitational and claiming my space for me.

The sun is moving up on my horizon, peeking over the hills, lighting, warming touching everything lightly with a kiss on its way by. It does not linger just moves on its own path. I love the sounds and sights and touch of its warmth. The lush green of the hills I see out my window and yet I know under the new growth lies the fallen limbs and leaves of last year. And yet the movement continues and last year's fallen branches just add to the new growth. i wonder if that is how all my fallen branches add to the peace of this moment and there is no need to ponder about what is and worry about what might be. There is this most magnificent of moments to embrace, to be in and nothing else. Nothing else. What is is everything.

I leave in a few days to return to Ireland, the country of my father's family. the country they left 200 years ago to come to the land of opportunity. This trip, to a conference is not the first time I have left home and famiy to attend a conference. And this one is different. I go knowing I claim my time, my energy, my resources, my space because I say so! Yes I go to learn and I go to connect to meet people who will have information to help me choose my path. The path I am about to walk is new to me. Failure to choose me on this path, failure to listen to my inner direction I know will mean my sun goes down and stays down and all that is vital about me and to me will be lost! I put my face up to the sun and fell its warmth and know that is me warming me and bathing me in light and song. Me. A silent, emerging into full beauty. Me.

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